Quality physical education for all students

Advocating for quality physical education for all

Advocating for quality Physical Education for all students

Ready, Set, Go!

We have developed this website to provide many different aspects for teaching physical education. From single day ideas and activities to a well balanced comprehensive physical education program focused on physical fitness, wellness information and skill development activities.

Our activities are aligned with the California Content Standards for Physical Education and our curriculum has been developed for elementary and secondary grade levels. Our major emphasis is on individual skill attainment, student success, and maximum participation, while creating a safe and secure environment for your students.


Our Programs, Activities and Ideas

  • A blend of fitness activities, wellness information, and skill development

  • Based on a safe non-threatening environment

  • Goal orientated

  • Age and developmentally appropriate

  • Activities that provide maximum participation and are all inclusive

  • Developed to emphasize and teach cooperation and self-competition

  • Self-challenging activities for personal improvement

  • Monthly Newsletter (Jan.)


Yearlong Supplemental Resources


2BPE.org Secondary Newsletter (Jan.)


Monthly P.E. Reflections (Jan.)


Elementary P.E. Bulletin Boards (Jan.)


Elementary Classroom Brain Breaks (Jan.)


Secondary Monthly Special Events (Jan..)

〰️ Yearlong Supplemental Resources 〰️ 2BPE.org Secondary Newsletter (Jan.) 〰️ Monthly P.E. Reflections (Jan.) 〰️ Elementary P.E. Bulletin Boards (Jan.) 〰️ Elementary Classroom Brain Breaks (Jan.) 〰️ Secondary Monthly Special Events (Jan..)



Check out ideas and activities that can be used in your physical education lesson today. From ice breakers to warm-up activities, skill games to cooperative challenges, these ideas are fast, fun, fair and will have your class fully involved in activity.

Secondary ACTIVITIES/games

Looking for a new idea to add to your lesson? Then take a look at these warm-up activities, fitness games, modified skill games and more. All of these activities have been developed to increase the level of student participation and success while continuing to improve their skill attainment and level of fitness.

Alternative Physical Education

Whether a student is enrolled in Independent Study, Online Learning or Home Schooling here are units, lessons and activities for elementary and secondary students. These lessons are designed with an emphasis on the major components of personal fitness, skill development and health/wellness.


To support the busy classroom teacher we have developed a comprehensive yet user friendly online program that provides instructional materials of monthly themes, weekly lesson plans, game/activity descriptions and classroom assignments. Our goal is to assist teachers in feeling prepared and comfortable with their planning and implementation of Elementary Physical Education.


We have developed units of instruction (2-3 weeks) in the areas of Traditional Team Sports, Individual/Dual Sports and Non-Traditional Activities.

These units focus on maximum participation, individual skill attainment and increased student success. 

CREATIVE CORNER/resource guide

From the nitty gritty of grading and assessing to the creative world of designing motivating classroom assignments here is a collection of resources, ideas, and techniques that will make your daily teaching more enjoyable.

District Personnel/Parents/Teacher Prep

So, what is your role in supporting quality physical education? Whether it be district personnel, parents, or individuals involved in teacher prep this section covers state requirements/standards, pathways to a quality program, and helpful strategies for future teachers. Hopefully this information will help guide and support your efforts in the world of physical education.

RAINY DAY/Inclement Weather ACTIVITIes  

What do you mean it's raining... Well, there go my plans! Here are some ideas to use in the classroom, or multi-purpose room and still have a quality physical education lesson.

Coach Hap’s Family Fun Activities

Are you looking for activities that the entire family can participate in? Coach HAP (Healthy Bodies, Alert Minds, and Positive Attitudes) has a variety of interesting, educational, and challenging activities for you. We have included indoor activities that can be played during inclement weather to outdoor family events that can make a weekend more fun. Also, check out our workbooks filled with numerous educational pages to challenge your young minds.


You cannot light the fire in others... unless you have the spark within
— Unknown Author