Quality physical education for all students


Build Your Own Equipment




Cover Up

One sheet of Paper

How to Build:
Make a ball out of the paper and then wrap the ball with the tape

Students get in a push-up position facing each other. On “Go” they attempt to grab the ball from their partner while remaining in their push-up position.

Have the students play 3 rounds and then rotate to another partner.

You can have the students play a soccer game where each student attempts to shoot the ball through the other players feet while in push-up position.


Sock Ball

One sock and tennis ball

How to Build:
Place the tennis ball inside the sock and slide it all the way to the toe. Tie a knot right at the top of the tennis ball.

Students can toss the sock ball up in the air and catch it themselves.

Students can toss the sock ball back and forth to a partner.(score can be kept by catching the ball part is worth 1 point,  while catching the tail part is worth 2 points.

Students can throw sock balls back and forth over a volleyball net and play a modified game of volleyball.

Students can use this as a javelin and throw for distance.


Indoor bowling

Plastic bottles of any size, a marble, rock or any small object that will fit into the bottle.

How to Build:                   
Take 10 of the same size bottles and place the noise maker object inside. Place the lid back on and position the bottles in the shape of a bowling alley.

Students use a tennis ball or 5" rubber ball to bowl with, they take 2 turns trying to knock down as many pins as possible.

If using this in the classroom then use the doc. camera for scoring like the overhead system in real bowling alleys.


3 Point Rack

3- 10'   3/4" PVC Pipes
4- 3/4" End Caps
4- 3/4" Elbows
10- 3/4" T Joints
*** Per Rack ***

How to Build:
Cut 7-  40" pieces,   4-6" pieces Assemble as diagramed in the picture.

Place 5 racks around the three point line and place 4 balls on each rack.  The students attempt to make as many 3 point shots as they can. Shooting time allotment can vary according students ability. Have 5 students shoot in a round and the highest scorer moves onto the next round.  

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Frisbee Golf Holes

2- Tomato Stakes, 1- Laundry Basket, 2- Zip Ties, and 1- Flag

 How to Build:                   
Place the tomato stakes in the ground then place the laundry basket on top. Take the 2 zip ties and attach the basket to the stakes. Position the flag at the back of the basket.

Use 9-18 of these Frisbee Golf Holes to create a course for the students to play. Use natural objects to add to the difficulty of the course. Example, use trees to make the shots go around, use the blacktop as water.

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Shuttle Blocks

4- 1.5" T Couplers, 2- 10" 1.5" PVC Pipe

How to Build:
Cut the two pieces of 1.5" PVC pipes at 10" each.  Attach the T couplers to each end of both pipes

Use the shuttle blocks during the shuttle run or any type of relay that you want the students to pick up and return an object.



Push up tester.png

Push-Up Tester

3" PVC cut in 36" length, 2 Elbows

How to Build:
Glue the elbows onto the end of the pipe

Students place the bar under their chest for the push-up test. They must lower themselves down until their chest contacts the bar and then return to full arm extension.

Students may also use the bar as a mini hurdle for footwork drills.