Quality physical education for all students

Elementary Comprehensive Curriculum

Comprehensive Curriculum

Daily Lesson Plans

We have created 8 lessons for each of our 10 monthly units of instruction.

Each lesson includes a Character Word of the Month, Fitness Activities, Wellness Concepts, a Highlighted Activity outlined below and then Closure.

Lesson 1 = Challenge Runs

Lesson 2 = Skill Game

Lesson 3 = Jump Rope Challenge

Lesson 4 = Skill Game

Lesson 5 = Skill Challenge

Lesson 6 = Skill Game

Lesson 7 = Skill Game 

Lesson 8 = Skill Game

Playground Games & Safety

Locomotor Skills (Running, Jumping & Dodging)

Throwing Skills

Catching Skills

Manipulative Skills (Rolling, Bouncing & Dribbling)

Passing & Shooting Skills

Striking with the Hand Skills

Striking with the Foot Skills

Striking with an Implement Skills

Special Cooperative Activities & Games